FC Brighton offers the Shop with Scrip fundraising program on a club level.
Any fundraising you do goes directly towards your family/player account with a percentage going to the club.
Scrips is a program that helps non-profits raise funds for their program by purchasing gift cards at face value and the club/individuals receive a rebate for their purchases.
Any fundraising you do goes directly towards your family/player account with a percentage going to the club.
Uses and Allocations of FC Brighton Fundraising Funds:
● Fundraising must be used for soccer related expenses
● Tournaments/FC Brighton Camps/Offseason FC Brighton team programs (Indoor/Futsal League)
● Hotel/airfare related to FC Brighton activity - (player only)
● Team sponsored party/Team building extra curricular item (player only)
● Uniforms or team apparel approved by the Fundraising Committee (player only)
● Can not be used for mileage, spending money, or meals for players or families
● FC Brighton player fees, provided fees can be paid in full at time of registration
● Any specific request not noted above will need to be reviewed by the Fundraising Committee for approval.
Orders are placed online through www.shopwithscrip.com. There is also an app called RaiseRight that you can install on your phone to order. There are 3 payment options (credit card, bank account, and personal check) but we ask that you pay by signing up for Presto Pay (bank account) or pay via credit card when you place your order online . As we get the program up and running, we will look at adding personal checks as a method of payment.
To request the FC Brighton Access Code email dawn.klaus@fcbrighton.com.
Please be sure to include your player’s name when enrolling. A parent must be present to pick up the cards. Parents will be required to sign that they have received the cards they ordered.
There are 3 different types of Scrip purchases you can make:
* Not all retailers offer all 3 choices. When you are browsing retailers, there are 1 to 3 icons that let you know which of the following ways you can purchase their scrips
Plastic gift cards/Reloads
Plastic gift cards are physical cards that you order and would need to pick up. Reloads are physical/plastic gift cards that you order, then pickup and then you can reload that card with any amount you want through Shop with Scrip.
Scrip Now ecards Reloads (to physical cards)
Instant ecards are available on the RaiseRight App or in your Shop with Scrip account.
Scrip Now paper certificates
Paper Certificates you can print from your home or work PC. Same rebates, but great for last minute purchases. When you pay via Presto Pay / Credit card you will get the certificate in minutes to your Scrip account.
You can order Scrip now anytime on your schedule. Their mobile website is great to use while you are out shopping: myscripwallet.com
For questions on FC Brighton's Scrip Program contact
Dawn Klaus Fundraising Coordinator